A God Encounter

God is willing to encounter us in the simplest yet most profound ways. I am a witness.

It was a breezy Friday in Redding, the last Friday in September. A friend and I went for a walk at this beautiful ranch to process. The last week had been challenging in more ways than one. We’d both faced disappointment on different levels and were in need of externally processing it. At this point, financially I was not in the best position. After facing job rejections, I was discouraged and stared at the end of September as the possible end of it all. I was beginning to make my “peace” with that. As we walked around, we shared our hearts and declared the truth. It was refreshing although I could feel in the deepest part of my heart that I wasn’t receiving it. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I could believe anything that we were saying. I’d been convincing myself that God wasn’t for me [which is a total lie. Let’s just laugh at that].

Anyways, we get lost. We get completely twisted up in the ranch. Our beginning was our end was our beginning. 2.5 hours had passed and we were hungry and potentially crossing the line of irritable when we passed a pond-lake of sorts. As we walked, we saw a beautiful white heron. It was stunning with its pristine white feathers and long, elegant neck.  As we neared it, it took off lifting its body into air. It was beautiful to watch. As this white heron flew by, another flew in its direction from the water, its mouth full. I stopped. “I wonder prophetically what white herons stand for?” I asked out loud. My friend began to wonder as well and pulled out her trusty Iphone. As she searched up the meaning of white herons, I sensed they represented prosperity. Holy Spirit totally dropped it in my spirit and I mention it to her. For me, it correlated with seeing the second white heron flying away with its mouth full. As we continue walking trying to find our way, my friend finds an article that states how in ancient Egypt a double-headed white heron represented prosperity. Instantly our mouths dropped and we were blown away. 2.5 hours ago, we were discussing finances. We just saw two white herons. It was a crazy prophetic moment for us. We began to declare into it–prosperity over our finances and relationships.

A symbol of prosperity.
A symbol of prosperity. Photo-cred: Sara Harding

On October 1st, the second installment of tuition was due: a total of at least $1100. I was nowhere near that goal. The weekend I saw the white herons and began to pray into it. On September 30th, my father texts me asking about how my tuition was going. I told him I still needed $2200 (this would pay off all my tuition). A few minutes pass and I receive an email notification letting me know that my tuition was completely paid off. I was in shock and undone. As my heavenly Father moved on my behalf, He moved upon my earthly father. I was completely humbled at the sacrifice my father made as he invested in me. My level of gratitude cannot be expressed in words.

God is seriously faithful. He sees us and knows us. It was not a coincidence that my friend and I came across two white herons. The prophetic moment that unfolded on September 27 has opened the door for radical encounters. As you read this, I just release my testimony to you. I release the revelation that you are seen and known by God. I release favor over you with friends and family. You are seen and known by your intimate circles. You are always, constantly on God’s heart. Your needs are not too big for Him. I declare that what I’ve received you will receive a double portion. You are worth investing in. You are not a mistake. You are purposed and you are called.

Til next time,



Hey guys! It’s been a month since I last blogged. It has been a crazy few weeks of processing and stretching!!! I am super excited to share what’s been happening with my heart and all that jazz! But first, I need YOUR help!
I first want to thank Jesus I was able to start 2nd year with half of my tuition paid leaving a balance of $2200. He is so INSANELY faithful. He is a fulfiller of our hearts’ desires and dreams. As the first month of the school year is coming to a quick close, I ask for your prayers as I am still in need of $2200. I am a FIRM believer that God finishes what He starts. It is impossible for Him to not come through. It is against His nature to not show up. He is also the Daddy who does nothing in halves. When He let His son die on the cross for us, He didn’t let Him die half-way. He didn’t raise Him half-way. He did it ALL in FULL. He’s ALL IN. With that said, I am believing God to have my tuition fully paid off within the next month. By October 1st I will need at least $1100 to continue with 2nd year. As I pray for more faith and boldness in this, I release it over you. Whatever financial concerns you may have whether it be debt, rent past due, car notes, accumulated fees–whatever it maybe—I release every financial breakthrough I’ve had over you! Every financial miracle I’ve witnessed you have permission to receive! Even as you read this supernatural provision is happening. Doors are opening in places you least expect. Checks are being placed in the mail. Papa prick the hearts of the community this reader is surrounding by so this reader knows they are not alone or forgotten. Release Your grace over their finances. Let this reader know that they are seen and that YOU see their need and will ALWAYS provide for them. He’s just that good!
Again, I say thank you to all those reading this who have invested in my journey thus far. You are a part of dreams coming true and I am so grateful! If you are coming across The Redding Project for the first time, check out my story here. To invest in the second leg of this journey, just do the following below:
go to www.ibssm.org and click on “give to tuition”. Type in my name: Danae Carson.
Any amount counts and I’m greatly humbled and thankful for your support and your belief in me. Know that God’s hand is ALL over your dreams. He is ALL over your finances. He doesn’t give you crazy big dreams to tease you. He fulfills them. He has pre-budgeted your lives. Every expense, every need is accounted for before you came into this world. God is limitless. He has limitless resources. I stand in agreement with you and declare life and truth over your finances. If you experience ANY financial breakthrough after reading this or if you have experienced it in your life prior, leave a comment on this post so that others can read it and be encouraged! There is POWER in the testimony!
You guys are AMAZING!
Til next time,

A Love Declaration

Free. Unashamed. Bold. Uncompromising. That’s how I wanna love. That’s how I WILL love. With no conditions, no lists, or comparisons and contrasts, I will love fiercely. I will love without fear. With a reckless abandonment of entitlement, self-centeredness, and pride, I will love purely.

I’ve been loved–I am loved with such fearlessness. God has loved and keeps loving me INSANELY. He threw caution to the wind and let His only son die for me. He burns with passion and pursues me wholly–unrelenting until I am consumed by His fire. He chooses me EVERYTIME. No questions, no ifs, no maybes. He decisively picks me. He chose me before I wanted to be chosen. When everyone else and everything else wavers, He remains constant—faithful. Faithfully holding my heart, He tenderly breathes life over every dream—desire—vision.

I will love like that. I firmly believe I have no right to withhold this kind of love from anyone. God freely gives it. He willingly pours it out on me and I pour it out on Him and He compels me to pour it out on this world. Ephesians 5:1 calls me to a standard that screams BE LIKE ME (God). As a Christian, who I am should ALWAYS imitate God. So who I am in traffic, at the store, on a date, or in my prayer closet should consistently and will constantly reflect Him.

Oh my heart’s desire is to re-present the Father. To see, through a simple smile, lives completed wrecked by His love. I will be marked by radical love. I will ooze passionate grace. Because I’ve encountered it, I can release it and I choose to make it a point that every inch of my life overflows with radical love and with reckless abandonment I will love with the Father’s heart.

Be encouraged guys—you’ve been called to love. You’ve called to love people to life, to release radical love to the world. There’s no formula for this. Remain humble, usable, and willing. Ask for His love to completely wreck you. Let God show how to love radically and insanely.

Til Next Time,


A New Dream

Everyday dreams are coming true. As they come true, newer ones are birthed. I watch as friends of mine walk out their destiny in the simplest ways. Each day they live out their passion, they walk out their heart’s desire and in each day there is a fresh deposit to dream bigger and to pursue something new. Today, I have a chance to do just that through: BSSM Second Year.

It was in October, that my eyes were open to Second year. Over the last three months, God has just spoken more and more to me about pursuing it. Second year is the year where all that I’ve encountered the last nine months become not just a story I tell, but a reality many can access. I learn how to release my break through, revelations, and encounters to individuals, communities, and nations. It’s where who I am as a leader will get stretched, challenged, molded, and encouraged. The opportunities are endless!!

I share this with you friends, because I’d love your support! You all know what a journey this has been for me and I’m excited to go deeper in this new year. All of you who have poured into me this last year, words cannot express my gratitude. Thank you for believing in me!! If you would like donate just follow the link: http://www.ibssm.org, go to Give, and type in my name. Any amount counts! The cost is 4,400 and with your help, I hope to have this amount by September 1st!

Even if you can’t give financially, I’d love it if you partnered with me through prayer as Daddy God, once again, supernaturally provides through donations, employment, and other ways! You all are amazing! I really am blessed and honored by you!!

Til next time,


To the Beginning

There really are no words. A year ago today, I graduated college. I ended an amazing journey to step fully into a new one. It’s three weeks from now that I heard the call to move to California. In four months it’ll be a year since I moved. I write as a recent graduate of BSSM First Year. No it isn’t an accredited school, there’s no degree or anything. I didn’t graduate from something, I graduated into something. I stepped into my life. My vision has changed. My heart has returned, she’s coming alive. Guys, there really are no words.

These last nine months have been a journey that has marked me. It has stretched, transformed, and wrecked me. I am FOREVER RUINED by Daddy God. No longer can I doubt that I hear Him. No longer can I question His faithfulness, His goodness. I’ve seen it. I’ve tasted it. I’ve lived it.

This year was a year of breakthrough and freedom. I came into the truth of my identity. I am a daughter. I am royalty. I have a good daddy who’s in a good mood. I embraced me. I no longer downplay my heart, personality, or anything. All of me comes to the table, take it or leave it. The biggest transformative thing that happened, that the two above mentioned fall into is, I found me. I found my voice. Who I am, what I burn, it’s no longer a mystery. It’s my daily reality. Oh, God is faithful!!!

So what’s next? I’m learning to rest and to trust. so, who knows!! That’s the fun part! I’m on an adventure. I’m discovering and uncovering so many parts of me. It’s exciting, challenging, but ultimately beautiful.

I personally want to thank all who have been present during these nine months, you know who you are. Your intentionality and presence in my life can never be forgotten. I LOVE YOU!!! To all of you who have be reading since the beginning, thank you. You’ve been apart of this journey, this encounter and experience. Thank you. Thank you. Whether you have or haven’t, I want to declare that everything I’ve had breakthrough in, from identity, love, freedom to financial provision, brave communication, and intimacy, you will have breakthrough in that and more. My ceiling is your floor. Stand on it and take it farther, deeper, and higher. You will know who and whose you are. You are a son. You are a daughter. You are financially restored. Your heart is restored. You walk in divine encounters. You are marked by the love and power of God. All that I’ve seen, all that I’ve encountered, I release over you and I say, MORE MORE MORE. MORE than I could ever dream, MORE than I could ever conjure up.

Here’s to the beginning of the rest of our lives!!

Til next time,