
It’s funny how I could put what it is looks like to forgive and extend grace into a box that works for me, but Jesus does it, no limitations, no exceptions.

For a while, I had a different view of forgiveness. It was a phrase I used, but my heart was far from it. A few weeks ago my old paradigm was shattered by a simple phrase by Kris Valloton. He said, “Forgiveness restores the standard”. My heart was immediately challenged. What does this mean? What does that look like? For me, I think of myself when I accepted Jesus into my life. When i repented and all that, He forgave me and I was restored. No longer does He see me as a sinner, but as a saint, His righteous daughter. For me, having heard this new perspective on forgiveness, when I forgive someone I’m restoring their standard in my life. When I look at them, I’m not seeing all the ways they hurt or disappointed me or all the ways they could. If we have a fight. I’m not digging up what was and bringing it to what is. Kris V said it best, “Once you forgive someone you cannot use a past offense to justify a present offense. When you forgive someone, you give up the right to use that [past offense] in the next court case”. Imagine if whenever we came to God for forgiveness, He pulled out a list of all the things we’ve done wrong or how many times we’ve asked forgiveness for the same thing prior to the moment, wouldn’t feel so great right? In actuality, that would be a form of condemnation, and guess what? thats not in His nature. Romans 8:1-2 states it clearly. So it is with us and forgiving those who’ve hurt us.

You see, we are called to be imitators of Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2) in EVERY CAPACITY, that includes forgiveness and showing grace, no strings attached. Think about it, when we ask God for forgiveness He forgets about it in that moment. Isaiah 43:25 says it beautifully, “I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins” [NASB]. When He looks at us, He doesn’t see what we did wrong. He doesn’t remember it. He responds in love, keeping no record of wrong (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). We are called to that standard. As sons and daughters, imitators of Christ, we are to forgive, love, and extend grace just as Christ did. Also, when we walk in forgiveness, we are walking in love, and love throws away the list of bad. When we forgive, we not only restore the standard but, we also place people and relationships where they are suppose to be in our hearts, not where we’d like them to be, but where they are meant to be.

No, forgiveness isn’t a cake walk, Kris V says, “forgiveness is not an act of my emotion, but an act of my will”. With that being said, forgiveness is not based on how we feel. It’s not fickle like our emotions can be. It is birthed out of our will that pushes past our present emotional state. Know that forgiveness is not an impossibility. We are called to do it. I believe it is something that should be second nature to us. Do I have it down? not yet, BUT, I’m positioning myself to get to that place where forgiveness is not boiled down to a trite phrase of “I forgive you” while my heart is still holding offense. I desire it to be a reality that I live from daily. I desire for people to look at me and know that I’m not condemning them, that they are forgiven, and that they are loved. I want people to see Christ in me. Because, guys, we are the full expression of God’s love on this earth. When people see us, they should see God. They should encounter His heart, His grace, and His forgiveness. For many, we are their first interaction with God. So, what are we giving them?

Til next time,


A New Dream

Everyday dreams are coming true. As they come true, newer ones are birthed. I watch as friends of mine walk out their destiny in the simplest ways. Each day they live out their passion, they walk out their heart’s desire and in each day there is a fresh deposit to dream bigger and to pursue something new. Today, I have a chance to do just that through: BSSM Second Year.

It was in October, that my eyes were open to Second year. Over the last three months, God has just spoken more and more to me about pursuing it. Second year is the year where all that I’ve encountered the last nine months become not just a story I tell, but a reality many can access. I learn how to release my break through, revelations, and encounters to individuals, communities, and nations. It’s where who I am as a leader will get stretched, challenged, molded, and encouraged. The opportunities are endless!!

I share this with you friends, because I’d love your support! You all know what a journey this has been for me and I’m excited to go deeper in this new year. All of you who have poured into me this last year, words cannot express my gratitude. Thank you for believing in me!! If you would like donate just follow the link:, go to Give, and type in my name. Any amount counts! The cost is 4,400 and with your help, I hope to have this amount by September 1st!

Even if you can’t give financially, I’d love it if you partnered with me through prayer as Daddy God, once again, supernaturally provides through donations, employment, and other ways! You all are amazing! I really am blessed and honored by you!!

Til next time,


To the Beginning

There really are no words. A year ago today, I graduated college. I ended an amazing journey to step fully into a new one. It’s three weeks from now that I heard the call to move to California. In four months it’ll be a year since I moved. I write as a recent graduate of BSSM First Year. No it isn’t an accredited school, there’s no degree or anything. I didn’t graduate from something, I graduated into something. I stepped into my life. My vision has changed. My heart has returned, she’s coming alive. Guys, there really are no words.

These last nine months have been a journey that has marked me. It has stretched, transformed, and wrecked me. I am FOREVER RUINED by Daddy God. No longer can I doubt that I hear Him. No longer can I question His faithfulness, His goodness. I’ve seen it. I’ve tasted it. I’ve lived it.

This year was a year of breakthrough and freedom. I came into the truth of my identity. I am a daughter. I am royalty. I have a good daddy who’s in a good mood. I embraced me. I no longer downplay my heart, personality, or anything. All of me comes to the table, take it or leave it. The biggest transformative thing that happened, that the two above mentioned fall into is, I found me. I found my voice. Who I am, what I burn, it’s no longer a mystery. It’s my daily reality. Oh, God is faithful!!!

So what’s next? I’m learning to rest and to trust. so, who knows!! That’s the fun part! I’m on an adventure. I’m discovering and uncovering so many parts of me. It’s exciting, challenging, but ultimately beautiful.

I personally want to thank all who have been present during these nine months, you know who you are. Your intentionality and presence in my life can never be forgotten. I LOVE YOU!!! To all of you who have be reading since the beginning, thank you. You’ve been apart of this journey, this encounter and experience. Thank you. Thank you. Whether you have or haven’t, I want to declare that everything I’ve had breakthrough in, from identity, love, freedom to financial provision, brave communication, and intimacy, you will have breakthrough in that and more. My ceiling is your floor. Stand on it and take it farther, deeper, and higher. You will know who and whose you are. You are a son. You are a daughter. You are financially restored. Your heart is restored. You walk in divine encounters. You are marked by the love and power of God. All that I’ve seen, all that I’ve encountered, I release over you and I say, MORE MORE MORE. MORE than I could ever dream, MORE than I could ever conjure up.

Here’s to the beginning of the rest of our lives!!

Til next time,