Dream on Dreamer

It’s been one of those weeks…well several weeks, where I have felt so very faraway from my dreams. Where the sheer magnitude of them has been overwhelming. There are moments where I have felt I missed the dream fulfillment train and I’m aimlessly wandering down a road holding onto what seems to be thinning hope. I, of course, try to force myself out of that mindset, hence writing this post.

It really has been a challenging time. I’m in a stretching position where I feel life is vastly laid out before me. My heart and my mind enter an intense battle. As my heart leaps at the truth that I can go anywhere, see everything, do anything,pretty much live through my five senses all day everyday, and grows in it’s idealistic way, my mind, in all it’s realism, barks back with looming, unattractive facts like debt, unemployment, impossibility. And my heart slowly prepares to shrink back–let hope be deferred–then it remembers. It remembers Who is at the center, Who is holding it. My mind as I write this is picturing Sandman from Rise of the Guardians. He was gold and at night while the children slept he would fill their minds with wild, exciting, impossible yet hopeful dreams. It warmed my heart and I immediately thought of the Holy Spirit. For me, whether awake or asleep, He is romancing my imagination with unending dreams, dreams that meld into each other, dead dreams that are resurrected and more.
When my heart remembers this, it realizes–IT IS POSSIBLE.

I’ll admit, as I write this, easier said/read than done. I’m totally guilty of seeing the end of the dream but squirming at the process. I’m learning that the process is technically the best part. It’s where you grow, are challenged, are stretched, and ultimately surprise yourself. So, squirming at the journey, that ends today. I have to hold on to the reality that God’s promises are true and maybe the impossibility of it is a reminder that I can’t do it alone or in my own strength. In these foggy moments of life, it’s so easy to throw a dream in the fire of disappointment or shove it on the back shelf of impatience or toss it in the trash can of fear and discouragement. In these moments of feeling unfulfilled, it’s so easy to stop dreaming, to toss out the idealistic lens I’ve been looking through and live a colorless life. I’m here to tell you and myself–NO. NO, that’s NOT an option. WE are dreamers. WE were meant to dream. Not only that, but we were meant to LIVE our dreams. Dreamers never stop dreaming. Even when dreams are fulfilled, they keep dreaming. They dream bigger and better dreams. That’s US!! We’re dreamers who were never meant to stop dreaming. You see, as dreams are fulfilled, our capacity to dream increases. It’s a never-ending cycle.

So, keep on dreaming dreamer! Dream with vision for the end knowing there is grace for you to get there. Starting today, tell yourself, every day: “I am a dreamer whose dreams are and will continue to be my reality, I will wake up and go to sleep living out my dreams” and hold on to hope, dreams fulfilled are a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12)