There Is More

I can’t settle. The thought of settling whether in relationships or just life is abrasive. I’ve tasted and seen that there’s more. The veil has been lifted, my eyes are adjusting to this new reality. There’s a cornucopia of newness waiting to be uncovered. There is an abounding hope that there is more to life and I CAN have it.

This truth didn’t really click for me until yesterday. The majority of my life, I looked through foggy windows. My vision was distorted by small thinking. I couldn’t imagine life outside of what I knew and what was expected. The way I saw influence, impact, and destiny was stuffed into a too small box. I was near-sighted. I could and would only allow myself to see what was tangibly next to me. I went for what was attainable and doable.

I avoided the impossible.

Then I took a risk, a leap of faith. I went out on a rather fragile limb, because I was far too dissatisfied with where I was physically, emotionally, and spiritually (read all about it here). This leap of faith has been stretching, exciting, and insightful, but most importantly I have gained hope. Now, as I write this from the comforts of my childhood home in the DMV, I reflect over the last few weeks since my previous post and I realize, there REALLY is so much more.

There’s more to life. There’s an abundance to see, taste, experience, and encounter. There’s more to me. I’m multi-faceted. I can’t be boxed in or shoved into a “type”. I am ME and there’s a lot to me to be discovered, uncovered, seen, and encountered. There’s more to God. He CANNOT be contained. He is limitless. There’s no one like Him–really–no one can do, say, or think the way He can. He is more than miracles and awesome blessings. There’s more to my heart. My heart is huge. My heart is beginning to feel again. My heart is beating faster with the adrenaline of dreams, desires, and determination than ever before. There’s more to my dreams! They are layered and constantly reshaping themselves. They are intricately integrated, painting this indescribable masterpiece of my life, my legacy, my vision. I have dreams I didn’t know I had and it’s exhilarating to unveil them and actively co-labor in bringing them to life.

I CAN impact nations. I CAN influence generations. I CAN bring change and transformation to cities and communities. My wildest aspirations CAN come to true. It’s not inconceivable.

So, know that there’s more to YOU. There’s so much more to your dreams, your desires, your heart, and wants than you can think up. There’s more to your career. There’s more to your marriage. There’s more to your friendships and family. There’s more love. There’s more hope. There’s more freedom. There’s more passion. I could go on, because honestly there is SO MUCH MORE.

Do not settle. Please. I’m begging you. Don’t become content with the bare minimum. Complacency IS NOT your best friend. Don’t settle with what the world throws at you. Dream big. Reach for the impossible, it’s yours. You wanna go for the stars? Ha, the whole galaxy is yours. Your name is stamped all over it. No one can do what you do like you can. No one can envision it like you can. Step up. Rise to the occasion. Get off the bench and into the game.

There IS more to this life. Go after it.

Til next time,